The toolbar icons provide quick access to general Document Entry functions.

Click an icon below to display information about that icon.

New - Create New Document

Click to create a new document of the currently selected Document Type.

Click the arrow to the right of to create a different type of document to the one currently selected.

Copy - Copy and Create New Document

Click to open the V/M Create New Documents window and create a new document from an existing document.

Refer Copy Documents

Search - Search for Site and/or Equipment

Click to search the Service Manager database or find items in the Document tree.

Refer Searching the Database and Document Tree.

Save - Save Document

Click to save the current document.

Post - Post Document

Click to create an Invoice for the document.

Click [Payments] to open the Edit Receipt Amount window and record a payment.  See Pay for further details

Click [Preview] to preview the Invoice.

Click [Post] to post the Invoice.

Set the details required on the Invoice and then click [Print]. A Preview Invoice document will be displayed.

Refer Forms » Invoices for additional information about generating Invoices.

Pay - Payments and Receipts

Click to open the Edit Receipt Amount window or select the Payments button on the Post form.  

Select the payment details and click [Accept] to record the payment.

Print - Print Document Forms

Click to do general printing.

Click the arrow to the right of the icon. The following will be displayed.

Print General

Select the required forms and additional details to print. Select Auto Print to print the form without confirmation. Click [Print].

Click [Save] to save the selected items as a new default selection.

Print Invoice Preview

This is effectively a restricted version of Post. It enables users who do not have "Posting" security, to be able to generate a Preview Invoice. Note that there is no [Post] button on the Post window.

Click [Preview]. The Print Invoices window will be displayed.

Click [Print].

Refer Forms » Invoices for additional information about generating Invoices.

Reprint Invoice/Credit Note

It is possible to reprint Invoices and Credit Notes. If the Document loaded has been posted, a menu option will become available off the Print menu to Reprint either the Invoice or Credit Note.

A Finder will be displayed allowing you to select which posting to Reprint.

Print Summary

Print Summary will print a complete summary of the current Job.

Click to expand image

Print Payment Summary

The Payment Summary window will be displayed. Confirm details before printing, though none of the fields can be changed.

Click [Print].

Click to expand image

Print Equipment Transactions

This Equipment Transactions Report shows all Billing for all the Equipment on the Document.

Click [Print] to continue.

Click to expand image

Print Posting Labor Summary

This option prints the V/M Employee Labor Report with Job details pre-filled.

Print Response Tracking

This option prints the V/M Response Tracking Variance report with Document Range pre-filled.

Print Documents Posting Journals

This option prints the V/M Posting Journal report with the option to 'Print for Single Document' checked and the Document Number pre-filled.

Tax - Setup Customer Taxes

Click to view and set up the tax details that apply to this customer for the current document.

Refresh - Refresh Document Totals

Click to refresh the document tree and recalculate document totals.

Insert - Insert Detail Line

Click to insert entries (nodes) into the document tree. The item inserted depends on the currently selected line.

Click the arrow to the right of the icon. The following is an example of what will be displayed:

The options available depend on the currently selected line.

Properties - Edit Line Properties

Click to view or edit the properties of the currently selected line.

Click the arrow to the right of the icon. The following is an example of what will be displayed:

The options available depend on the currently selected line.

Select Properties to view or edit the properties of the currently selected line.

Note: You can also double-click an item to display its properties.

Delete - Delete Line

Click to delete the currently selected line.

Assign - View Available Resources

Click to assign Resources to a Job Phase.

The Assign Resources window has three tabs, one for each type of Resource:

Active Employees

Internal Equipment


To assign the Resource to all Phases, drag and drop the Resource on the Document Header. To assign a Resource to a single Phase, drag and drop the Resource on the applicable Phase.

Assigned Resources will appear in the Assigned Resources node of the Phase, categorized by Resource Type.

Click to highlight Employees contained within a particular Work Group. Refer Work Group Setup.

Click to highlight the default Employee(s) for the Site. Refer Site Setup » Assignments tab » Standard Assignments. can also be used on the Equipment tab to highlight Internal Equipment for a specific Internal Site.

Click to find, for example, Employees with certain skill sets, allocated to certain zones and even by next available time slot. Refer Assigning Resources.

Currency - Set up Document Currency Rates

Note: The Currency icon will only be displayed if your company uses multicurrency accounting.

Click to set up currency exchange rates for the current document.

Related Topics

Multicurrency Accounting