» » Tools menu » Options


The Document Entry Options are used to set processing options across Document Entry.

Select Tools » Options.

Detail Display tab

Select a line item, e.g., Job, from the drop-down list. Specify the fields that are to show in Document Entry for the line item. The fields in the left pane are excluded. The fields in the right pane are included. To include a field, select the field in the excluded field list in the left pane and then click [Include] or drag it to the included field list in the right pane. Conversely, to exclude a field, select the field in the included field list in the right pane and then click [Exclude] or drag it to the excluded field list.

Tip: You can double-click fields to include or exclude them.

To change the order of an included field, select the field and then click or as required.

Tick the Apply to Finder check box to apply the Included field list options to the Finder.

Click [Clear] to move all the fields to the excluded field list.

Click [Default] to set the Detail Display options to system default values.

Drag (included or excluded) fields to Document Tree Text to add the field value to the line item text.

Click [Accept] when finished.


Click [Save] to save all the Detail Display options to a file. If you save the Detail Display options to a file, they can then be loaded and used by multiple users.

Click [Load] to load the Detail Display options from a file.

General tab

Document Tree


Tree Style

Defines the format and structure of the document tree.

Bold Headers and Phases

Tick this check box to bold Header and Phase lines in the tree.

Bold Equipment

Tick this check box to bold Equipment lines in the tree.

Default Document Type

The default Document Type that is displayed when the Document Entry window first opens.

Default Service (Type)


(Default Service Code)

Default Service Type can be set to Standard, Labor or Contractor. This should be selected in the initial installation when the company database is created.

Type or select the default Service Code in the field to the right of Default Service Type. Click the using the Finder or Drill To icon to select the required entry.

Default Item Supply Quantity

The default Supply Quantity when adding Items to billing lines.

Related Topic

Job Phase Functions » Set Supply

Document Loading


Load Documents When Scrolling

If this check box is ticked, when you scroll through the Document database, each Document will be loaded as you scroll to it. This has the potential to slow or delay the scrolling process. If this check box is cleared, you will need to click Go to display the required Document when you scroll to it.

Automatically Gather PO Status on Document Load

If this check box is ticked, whenever a Job or Sales Order is loaded, the status of Requisitions, Purchase Orders and/or Receipts will automatically be updated or refreshed in the Document.


This option is useful, but remember that if Load Documents When Scrolling is also ticked, then the Purchase Order status will be refreshed every time you scroll to a Job or Sales Order. That may slow things down even more.

Load Document Billing on Demand

A series of major enhancements have been made to the Document Entry Save and Load logic to significantly improve the performance of these operations. On Demand loading will load the Document only to the Billing Group level and therefore does not need to load the Service and Item nodes. When you expand a Billing group, the Services and Items will be loaded on demand. You can load the entire Job at any time by clicking the Expand Tree button. Refer Expanding and Collapsing the Document Tree.

Refresh Item Cost on Load

If this checkbox is ticked then the cost of the Item will be updated to the most current cost until the Document is Posted. Un-checking this option will maintain the item's cost.

Check Customer Credit Status on Document Load

Refer Checking Customer Credit Status.

Auto Load the Document Summary Page

If this check box is ticked, the information on the Document Summary tab will be loaded automatically. If this check box is cleared, you will need to click Go on the Document Summary tab to load the relevant information.

Auto Load the Time Entry List

With this disabled it is possible to notice an improvement in the Document’s performance especially for Documents with many Time Entries

Document Tree State

Refer Expanding and Collapsing the Document Tree.

Default Copy from Template

When this check box is ticked the Copy Function will open the V/M Create New Documents window with the Create From Existing "Template" selected

Highlight Time Entries if still Unacknowledged Minutes after Dispatch

Time Entries appear with Red Text if their "Dispatched to Assignee" Dispatch Status has not been acknowledged within the time frame specified by this option.

Refer Creating Time Entries



Present Doc. Settings form on New Document


Warn if In-house Warranty applies

Display a pop-up message if In-house Warranty applies.

Show Item Serial Numbers in Document Tree

Tick this check box to show Item Serial Numbers in a Serial Numbers node under the Item node in the Document tree.


The Track Serial Nos. check box must be ticked for the Item.

Show Agreement Details Form

If you tick this check box, when you enter a Job for a Site that is covered by an Agreement, the Agreement pop-up window will be displayed showing all details of the cover provided by the Agreement. If there are multiple Agreements for the Site then the system will determine the most appropriate Agreement to be displayed.

If you clear this check box, the Agreement pop-up window will not appear.

Open a new Job in Document Entry, enter a client Site that is covered by an Agreement and the Agreement pop-up window will be displayed.

Click [View Agreement] to view details of the Agreement. The Agreement will be shown in the Agreement Setup window.

Click [View Plan] to view details of the associated Agreement Plan. The Agreement Plans window will be displayed.

Show Equipment Faults in Document Tree

Tick this check box to show Fault Registrations in the Document Tree. Clear this check box if you do not want to show Fault Registrations in the Document Tree.

Warn if Contact Email Address is Blank

Tick this check box to display a warning message if the contact associated with the document has a blank email address.

Display Next Response pop-up time if < 2 days.

Tick this check box to have a popup notification if a response is due within 2 days.

Default Agreement Cover Option to No Cover

Tick this check box to default Billing line Agreement cover to No Cover.

Do not show Held Agreement Documents in Finder


Allow Drag and Drop of Tree Nodes

Tick this check box to allow tree nodes to be moved using a drag and drop mouse action. If you clear this check box, drag and drop functionality will be disabled.

Refer Moving Document Tree Nodes.

Visit Custom Fields on Document Creation

If you tick this check box, the Custom Fields associated with the document will be displayed during document creation and can be modified if required.

Refer Custom Field Setup.

Group Service Summary by Service Code

Tick this check box to show services in the Summary tab grouped by Service Code. Clear this check box to show services in the Summary tab grouped by Employee.

Group Recurring Posting Schedules by Year


Comments & Warnings


Show Site & Job Type comments

Tick this check box to display the comments in a pop up

Show all Critical Document Notations

Tick this check box to have Equipment and Model Critical Notations pop up

Click [Accept].

Details tab

Details Related


Warn if Item Supply Quantity exceeds Quantity Available for Location

If you tick this check box, if the Item Supply Quantity is greater than the Available Quantity for the selected Location, a Warning message will be displayed.

Auto Insert Billing Group

If you tick this check box, when you insert a Billing Group, the Billing Group will automatically be inserted into the Document. The Billing Group window will not be displayed.

Automatically Supply Receipted P/O (Maintains P/O Line Cost)

Use Follow On Billing Entry

If you tick this check box, when adding a Service or Item detail line and Accepting that line, instead of adding it to the tree requiring you to select the Service or Line icon again to add the next detail line, the Service or Item window is presented again so you can immediately add the next Service or Item. This can speed up data entry a great deal.

To complete an entry, press Esc or close the window.

Override Supply Qty. on PO Supply

If this option is selected from the dropdown the PO Retrieve process automatically overrides the Supply Quantity in the Job when the PO is supplied.

Restrict Equipment Entry to Site Only

Site Equipment from another Site can be added to any Job in Service Manager even though the Equipment Finders will only list Equipment for that Site. This is to enable Equipment to be transferred between Sites. We recommend that you clear this check box allowing transfer of Equipment between Sites.

If you tick this check box, Equipment from another Site will be prevented from being loaded into the Site.

Force Serial Number Entry

If this check box is ticked, you will be forced to enter a Serial Number for each Item being added to the Document.


If a Supply Quantity of 10, for example, is entered for an Item, you will need to enter 10 Serial Numbers for that Item.

The Serial Numbers are entered on the Item Serial Nos. tab. Refer Inventory Items » Serial Nos. tab.

If this check box is cleared, a Warning message will be displayed prompting you to enter the relevant Serial Numbers.


Always Load Model Billing Template

A Billing Group from a Billing Template can be attached to a Model. When inserting Equipment into a Document, if the Equipment Model has a Billing Group attached:

if this check box is ticked, the Billing Group attached to the Model will be auto loaded under the Equipment node being inserted.

if this check box is cleared, you will be prompted to load the Billing Group. If you click [Yes], the Billing Group will be inserted under the Equipment node.

If the Model does not have a Billing Template attached, only the Equipment node will be inserted.

Apply Price Changes to other lines of the same type and original price


Disallow Modification to Complete Phases

If this check box is ticked and the Phase has a Completed status, the system treats the Service and Item lines in the Phase in a similar fashion to Protected Billing.

The Service and Items lines will have a padlock placed over the icon.

There will be no [Accept] button on the Service or Item forms, i.e., the Service and Item lines will not be able to be modified.

Allow Item Cost Refreshing

Tick this check box to allow the item cost to be refreshed when an item is loaded/reloaded.

Default Billing Assignment

A warning message can be displayed if Employee is blank by selecting the check box next to the dropdown menu.

Time Entry Retrieval

Confirm Service allocation on Time Retrievals

Tick this check box to display the Confirm Time Actual Retrieval window when dragging a time entry to the Document tree.

Override Existing Service Values on Time Retrievals

Tick this check box to override existing Supply values on retrieval by default.

Allow override of Employee code on Time Retrieval

Tick this check box to let the Employee Code be changed during Time Retrieval.

Default Notation Posting Setting

General Notations

Billing Line Notations (Services/Items)

Click [Accept].

Posting tab

Posting Related


Warn if Null lines present before posting

If you tick this check box, Service Manager will display a Warning message if any of the Billing lines being posted have zero Value.

Post Receipts to A/R Receipts by Default

If this check box is ticked the Payment Post A/R Receipt check box in the Edit Receipt Amount window will be on as default.

Auto Create Equipment from Serial Numbers

If this check box is ticked, the Auto Create Equipment program will load at the conclusion of the posting process. This will load all Serialized Inventory items into the list view which can then be posted to create Equipment in Service Manager.

Warn if Outstanding Quantities Exist before Posting

If you tick this check box, Service Manager will display a Warning message if any of the Billing lines being posted have Outstanding Quantities.

Warn if GP is Negative

If this Check Box is ticked, Service Manager will display a Warning message during Posting if the Gross Profit amount is negative, indicating a loss on the Job.

Auto Select Post Invoice

Ticks the Post Invoice check box on the Post window by default.

Clear this check box to avoid accidental posting of Invoices.

Auto Select Post Credit Note

Similar to Auto Select Post Invoice, but for Credit Notes.

Auto Select Post Cost Only

Similar to Auto Select Post Invoice, but for Cost Only Entries.

Complete Job after Posting

Changes the Document Status to a Status with a Completed State after Posting.

All statuses with a Completed state are available from the dropdown selection during posting. Select which Status to change the Document to once Posting has occurred.

Refer to V/M General > Options > Completion Tab for completion validation settings

Default Invoice/Credit Note/Cost Only Post Date to

Click [Accept].

Colors tab

Select an item, e.g., Title. These items relate to the Document Entry Details pane, shown below.

Click [Foreground] to change the foreground color of the selected item.

Click [Background] to change the background color of the selected item.

Click [Default] to set the colors to system default values.